

Revolution was started in 1998, and was called the Center for Survivors Speaker’s Bureau. Rosie Heinisch recognized the lack of services for adolescents and identified that young people could better identify victimization when they were shown what it looks like. In 2008, the program’s name was changed to “Revolution” and modified to fit the needs of a larger crowd. This allowed the program to provide presentations to schools all around the state. Revolution’s name was inspired from the Beatles song with the lyrics, "You say you want a Revolution. Well, you know we all want to change the world."

Revolution members graduate and enter the workforce as better adults, taking with them the knowledge regarding dating and sexual violence. We are developing life-long advocates for generations to come! 


Revolution is a volunteer program through Center for Survivors made up of students from the three high schools in Columbus, Nebraska. Members are chosen based on nomination for leadership in the community and by application. Revolution members go through extensive training on dating violence, sexual assault, and bystander intervention in order to spread awareness and provide outreach in the community. Members are trained to identify unhealthy dating behaviors and sexual assault, respond appropriately, and refer victims to advocates at the Center for Survivors. A highlight of this program is the theater presentation, which is written and performed by students in the group. The presentation focuses on dating violence, sexual assault, and healthy relationships. The goal of these presentations is to help adolescent survivors of violence identify their victimization and teach them how to access services and get help. It also encourages students to hold their peers accountable for unhealthy behaviors.

Revolution also conducts smaller classroom presentations regarding healthy relationships and bystander intervention in classroom settings. Additionally, Revolution conducts outreach with the intention of connecting the community with Center for Survivors resources.

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In 2020


Revolution provided
8 presentations to
2,054 students and
103 adults.


Revolution currently has 44 members,
who volunteered
1,061 hours.


Join Revolution

If you are interested in becoming a member of Revolution, please fill out an application and return it to Center for Survivors.

Presentations are free of charge for organizations within our six-county service area. Presentations outside of the service area are possible; however, fees may apply. To schedule a Revolution presentation, please call Center for Survivors in Columbus, Nebraska at 402-564-2155 and ask to speak with Taylor or Abbie.